Friday 22 January 2021

The Benefits Of Giving Alms According To Islam

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, my dearest reader🌹
Barakah day, Barakah life for everybody🥰 I hope you guys doing great and in good condition.
Hey guys 💖 So for the second written, I would like to share some general knowledge just to refresh our mind and to help you guys know more better about The Benefits of Giving Alms in Islam. Enjoy your reads and hopes it will be use for the future.

Little you guys know, Islam teaches us alms is not just about giving others who needed by give money, clothes and foods. Alms can be at so much form such as we can give alms by sharing knowledge, helps, smile, make others life easier, and give motivation talk.

Back to our main point of discussion, the benefits give alms. The first benefits give alms is almsgiving can remove all previous sins and mistakes. However, all the sins must be regretted and realized with Taubat Nasuha and promises not to repeat it again. 
His Prophet Muhammad S.A.W  said that means: "Charity can remove sin as water extinguishes fire." Hadith Narrated by at-Tirmidzi.

Lets jump to second and third point of benefits almsgiving. Next is by giving alms can also separating yourself from hell fire. The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W  said: "Give alms all of you, because indeed alms is a separating from hell". In addition, even giving alms in small amounts can avoid the fire of hell.  The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W  words again: "Keep yourself away from the fire of hell even just with only (almsgiving) a date (Kurma).The third point is to increase sustenance and wealth. Never worry about running out of sustenance for giving alms to others. Indeed, giving alms will expand and open the door of sustenance to us. The more we give, the more we get. "Will not be poor for a person if he gives alms". 

The forth point is extinguish the heat of the grave and get shade in the hereafter. The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said; "Indeed, the alms will really be able to extinguish the heat of the grave for the occupants, and the believer will be sheltered under the shadow of his alms". Hadith Narrated by at-Tirmidzi. Get shade in the hereafter for those who love to give alms are the ones who will receive the protection of  Allah in the hereafter. However, it must be those who are sincere, that is those who do not announce the gift for the purpose of pointing or ripples. "A person who gives alms with his right hand, then he hides his charity until his left hand does not know what is donated by his right hand". Hadith Narrated by Bukhari.

The last one of the benefits giving alms is strengthening faith and getting closer to Allah SWT. If we give alms with the intention of worshiping for the sake of Allah, our faith in Him will surely increase. By giving alms can also get closer to Allah SWT because Allah SWT love His Servants who give a lot because of Him, not just to show off to others. Give alms also can help us to stay away from being haughty and arrogant. It may occur if we ignore charity. If a person gives alms or often gives to others, he does not belong to the group of arrogant people.

I think that’s all for now. Thank you for your time to read until the end of my written. May Allah bless you guys, Aamiin💖. I end my second posting of “The Benefits of Giving Alms According to Islam” with Wabillahi Taufiq Wal Hidayah Wasalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Barakah day everyone🌹 Sending 💝xoxo! Bye-bye👋

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﷽ Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, my dearest reader🌹 Barakah day, Barakah life for everybody🥰 Hey guys!! Let together remember...